What’s your sign? Saratoga wants to make sure it complies with ordinance

By Khalida Sarwari

The Saratoga City Council has taken steps toward the implementation of stricter sign ordinance provisions for temporary and real estate signs in the city.

At its May 1 meeting, the council voted unanimously on a motion for staff to implement direct enforcement of signs that are on single-family home properties; for the planning commission to review the materials requirements for temporary signs; and for staff to conduct enforcement sign requirements anywhere a complaint is reported to the city.

“I’m in favor of a little more enforcement, but I like our complaint-driven system,” said Councilman Howard Miller.

The last update to the city’s sign ordinance was made following the council’s approval last May, and while it eliminated direct references to content, it kept or increased the standards for sign size, design, placement, lighting, materials and type of sign structures. It also included the creation of a sign district.

After adopting the ordinance last year, the council had asked staff to come back with a report on the effectiveness of the provisions. The May 1 meeting was an opportunity for staff to report its findings. The major source of complaints regarding any signs over the past year were A-frame signs, according to staff. They said that although businesses throughout the city have received a number of informational bulletins explaining the A-frame sign rules, many continue to ignore them.

One of the concerns expressed most frequently by businesses is regarding the requirement that a sign be located within 10 feet from the building entrance. Business owners say that defeats the purpose of A-frame signs for those businesses that are located more than 10 feet from the street, according to a staff report.

Staff said that its has followed the council’s policy of complaint-based enforcement, which has led to inconsistent enforcement for nonconforming signs that have not been subject to a complaint. They recommended the council to consider complaint-based enforcement for A-frame signs and allow staff to proactively enforce the rules for these temporary signs throughout the city.

Another source of complaint, according to staff, was real estate signs. In a report, staff noted that local real estate agents had voiced concerns about outside agents not following the city’s sign regulations, such as those that display off-site signs advertising open houses on weekends.

None of the non-complying businesses have faced financial sanctions to date, according to city staffer Cynthia McCormick.

Most of the council appeared to have similar opinions about the issue. Vice Mayor Emily Lo said she was in favor of taking a more proactive approach to going after non-compliers as well as placing restrictions on which businesses can use A-frame signs and the materials they use for the signs. Councilman Manny Cappello called for additional enforcement on weekends, especially targeting real estate signs. And, Councilman Chuck Page said he’d like to see an objective and consistent enforcement of the ordinance.

Staff did not recommend any changes regarding standards for permanent signs, which includes building and freestanding signs, such as at Wildwood Market. They said they also have not received complaints or encountered issues related to electronic or windows signs.

What’s your sign? Saratoga wants to make sure it complies with ordinance


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