Peck memorabilia is on display at museum

By Khalida Sarwari

Willys Peck, a man of many memorable words and phrases, liked to use the acronym NTAA for “never throw anything away.”

The home he shared with his wife, Betty, until his death in April is a reflection of that motto. And in a new exhibit at the Saratoga History Museum, some of the couple’s most treasured memorabilia and photographs will be on display.

Titled “Betty and Willys Peck–the Heart of Saratoga,” the exhibit is scheduled to run from June 7 through Oct. 27 and focuses on the contributions of the Pecks in the areas of historical preservation, the arts, environment, community service and family, said Annette Stransky, president of the Saratoga Historical Foundation.

“Both Betty and Willys Peck are wonderful role models for community service–for giving time and experience back to the community,” she said. “Age has not slowed down their interest in people and the community. Willys passed away in April but he was still writing poetry and still active.”

Featured in the show will be a number of ephemera and items from their life, including the many hats Willys wore, a vintage typewriter, camera, original Los-Gatos Star mailbox, a 1920s Saratoga telephone directory and items Betty used in her kindergarten classrooms.

Willys Peck was a local legend, icon and the unofficial town historian when he died on April 16 at the age of 89. He was also a lawyer, newsman and playwright. Willys was active in many facets of the community, serving on various boards and contributing to the preservation of the city. He was involved in saving the Memorial Arch, and participating on the California History Center board, Saratoga Historical Foundation board and Heritage Preservation Commission, as well as writing and directing plays for the Saratoga Drama Group. He was also a member of the United Way, West Valley Mission Community College Foundation, Saratoga Men’s Club and Lion’s Club.

Betty, a schoolteacher for more than four decades, created the community garden that was used by more than 6,000 children and founded the Easterbrook Farm School.

The couple was active in the effort to have Saratoga incorporated, and in 1985 were named Citizens of the Year. They also were awarded the achiever’s award for community service by the Pen Women of Santa Clara County.

Both lifelong Saratogans, Betty and Willys were married for 61 years. Their home is a tribute to their many activities, including a printing museum, scaled railroad, amphitheater and heritage garden.

A reception with music and refreshments is planned for June 23 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Saratoga History Museum, 20450 Saratoga-Los Gatos Road. The event is free and open to the public.

Additionally, during the period of the exhibit and on the third Sunday of each month, the museum will show presentations given by Willys on tape. The dates and topics are: July 21, Southern Pacific; Aug. 18, walking tour; Sept. 11, Peninsular Interurban Railway; and Oct. 20, school memories. The presentations will begin at 2 p.m. and are also free.

Saratoga: Peck memorabilia is on display at museum


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