Saadat, Zhu win Foothill Club scholarships

By Khalida Sarwari

The Saratoga Foothill Club recently awarded a pair of graduating students from Saratoga High School with scholarships. The recipients were Sasan Saadat and Sophia Zhu, both of whom were honored at a luncheon held May 14 during an awards presentation.

Saadat received the American Heritage award for his participation in student government for all four years and for excelling in his social studies coursework.

“Sasan has been among the most visible and respected students at the school,” said Cathie Thermond, a member of the club.

His accomplishments include serving as president of the Associated Student Body and the president of the Model United Nations. He was head of the Green Commission, a campus group that prepares initiatives for more environmentally friendly practices on campus and also participated in three sports, had a leading role in a school production of The Crucible his senior year and was a member of the homecoming court.

Saadat plans to attend the UC-Berkeley this fall, where he’ll double major in environmental policy and English. Ultimately, he wants to pursue a career as a lawyer or policy maker with a focus on environmental policy and sustainability.

Saadat’s counterpart, Zhu, received the Foothill Club’s Fine Arts award.

“She is celebrated for her focus on the arts and her genuine love of learning,” Thermond said. “Her amazing artwork shows both polish and innovation.”

Zhu has participated in both the award-winning marching band and symphonic band and taken art classes for all four years at Saratoga High. Throughout her involvement, she completed 14 honors and advanced placement classes.

This fall, she plans to attend Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh, Pa., where they offer a special bachelor’s degree program that combines coursework from the College of Fine Arts and the School of Computer Science. Her goal is to find a career where she can combine technology with the arts, possibly in the entertainment industry.

The Foothill Club, which was founded in 1914 to encourage intellectual and civic activities in the community, has been awarding scholarships to Saratoga High students for the last 28 years, according to Thermond.

Saadat, Zhu win Foothill Club scholarships


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