Residents recommend different ideas for Quarry Park activities

By Khalida Sarwari

What does the future hold for Quarry Park? A zip-line course, community garden, arboretum and multi-use trails to accommodate everyone from mountain bikers to horseback riders were just some of the possibilities Saratoga residents envisioned at a recent community workshop.

About a dozen people attended the meeting, hosted on July 9 at the Saratoga Senior Center by the city’s parks and recreation commission. The purpose was to contribute ideas to a master plan that will guide the development of the new Quarry Park.

The 64-acre Quarry property, located on state Highway 9 near the Saratoga Village and Hakone Gardens, was recently purchased by the city with the goal of developing a park that will promote public access and recreation, encourage resource protection, and develop local and regional trail connections.

At the workshop, Councilman Howard Miller indicated the park would be open in the next two or three years with its full potential unveiled over the next two decades.

“This is the biggest park in the city’s history and it’s going to be wonderful,” Miller said.

In March, the city hired the Planning Center DC&E to develop a master plan for the property. Representatives from the group provided a summary of their work and their timeline goals for the master plan at the community workshop. Their presentation covered the planning process, which entails surveying the property, plans for trails and recreational use, documenting and preserving the historical resources on the property, and determining cost estimates for the design, construction and maintenance of the park, as well as environmental planning and clearance.

A small group exercise followed the presentation, where community members brainstormed ideas for the park and drafted language for a vision statement. Their suggestions were to implement educational opportunities for youth, build electric charging stations in the parking lot, develop loop trails and provide ADA-accessible trails.

They recommended creating vista points, picnic areas and an overlook at the pond.

Many residents suggested preserving the property’s historic features and native plant habitats, but removing invasive and exotic vegetation and protecting sensitive species.

Someone suggested “Saratoga Quarry Park” as a potential name for the property, to differentiate it from the Cupertino Quarry. To establish a continuous revenue stream, several residents recommended building a venue at the site to host gatherings and events.

The discussion also centered on creating partnerships and tapping regional and state resources for grant funding.

Residents will have additional opportunities to provide their input on the planning process. A second community workshop is planned for after Labor Day.

Residents recommend different ideas for Quarry Park activities


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