Saratoga’s history will come to life on 7th annual Heritage Day

By Khalida Sarwari

Costumed characters will bring Saratoga’s more than 150-year-old history to life next month at the seventh annual Heritage Day.

This year’s event will take place Sept. 28 from noon to 3 p.m. The event will commence in Blaney Plaza with an introduction of the historic figures.

During those three hours, people dressed up as various characters from Saratoga’s past will stroll up and down Big Basin Way, stopping to chat–in character–with people and have their photos taken. The significance of the event is that it celebrates the city’s local history, said Laurel Perusa, a member of the Saratoga Village Development Council, which is sponsoring the event.

“I think it’s important for people to develop an appreciation for their own local history, wherever they live,” Perusa said. “Not everyone can jump on a plane and go to Boston, but we have a rich history here in Saratoga.”

She said she continues to participate in Heritage Day because she enjoys sharing Saratoga’s heritage with others. For the past few years Perusa has played the role of Olivia de Havilland.

“I approach [people] and I introduce myself and I talk briefly about my childhood and how much I loved living in Saratoga,” she said.

Perusa will be one of more than nearly three dozen characters in costume that day. Saratoga High student Charles Li is expected to act the part of Sgt. Lou Sing Kee, a World War I hero who was born in a little house on Big Basin Way sometime between the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Kee is a particularly important figure, Perusa said, because “people don’t think of Saratoga in that era as having Asians.”

A personal favorite historical figure of hers, Perusa added, is Mrs. Clara Buckley, deemed to be the city’s first librarian in 1914. A current staff member from the Saratoga Library will likely play that role, according to Perusa.

Some of the figures will visit the Saratoga Historical Museum, where there are a number of activities planned in connection with Heritage Day. Others will be stationed near the Echo Shop.

On Sept. 28, the museum will be open from noon to 4 p.m. and will offer an old-fashioned band concert, docent-led Village walking tours, book signings, children’s activities and more than 20 craftspeople.

“This is a great free event to learn about Saratoga history, find out more about the roots of the community, see your friends and just have a great time,” Saratoga Historical Foundation president Annette Stransky said.

Mayor Jill Hunter, who is also chairwoman of the SVDC, said this year she wants to involve elementary school students in the festivities so that they, too, can learn about their community’s history.

Perusa encouraged every resident to visit a costume shop and flaunt their creativity on Heritage Day.

“I think it would be great if children and adults dressed up in historic dress,” she said.

Anyone who is interested in volunteering is encouraged to contact Hunter

Saratoga’s history will come to life on 7th annual Heritage Day


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