Wonderful Witches will fill their cauldron with cash for charities

By Khalida Sarwari

October, a month that’s typically synonymous with beer, all things pumpkin and Halloween, has come to be known in the South Bay as the month that the Wonderful Witchy Women with a Cause hold their annual luncheon. The popular event is back for its eighth year on Oct. 17 at the Fairmont in downtown San Jose.

Similar to last year, the luncheon agenda includes a hat contest, a silent auction and a raffle, where “handsome guys in tuxedos” will sell Godiva chocolates in a drawing for a necklace donated by Joe Escobar Diamonds in Campbell, organization founder Cheryl Bailey said. The winning ticket will be drawn by a local celebrity.

She encouraged women to don their most creative chapeaus for the hat contest. Witches hats can be purchased in Los Gatos at the Black Hat Cat, 59 N. Santa Cruz Ave., and Out of the Envelope, 326 N. Santa Cruz Ave.

“It’s the only event of its kind–that we know of–in the western United States,” Bailey said. “Almost every penny raised goes to our charities.”

The three beneficiaries this year are the Heritage Home, which services unwed mothers and their infants; Freedom House, a safe house for rescued teenage girls who have been victims of human trafficking; and Inn Vision, a shelter home for Bay Area women and children in need.

Representatives from all three organizations are expected to speak at the luncheon.

“If you have a heart for local charities, local families and children in need, and you want to know who you’re serving while you’re having a good time, that’s our event,” Bailey said. “All of our attendees learn where their funds are going while they’re having a great time with their friends.”

Bailey, who lives in Saratoga, is also the founder of the Bella Vista League, the nonprofit that is putting on the Oct. 17 Witchy Women’s luncheon. The league focuses on helping the less fortunate within local communities.

Close to 500 women from throughout the South Bay attended last year’s event and raised more than $200,000 for local charities. “We’re hoping for about 500 again this year,” said Bailey.

The luncheon is open to anyone, Bailey said. “The more, the merrier. You just need to have a willing spirit to give and a Halloween hat to wear–that’s what we like to say.”

The luncheon is from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the San Jose Fairmont Hotel, 170 S. Market St. Tickets are $100 per person and can be purchased online at wonderfulwitchywomen.com. The deadline for reservations is Oct. 15.

Wonderful Witches will fill their cauldron with cash for charities


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