Saratoga Civic Theater to be refurbished, a little at a time

By Khalida Sarwari

In approving a master plan for a project to refurbish Saratoga’s aging Civic Theater, the Saratoga City Council agreed to take a more feasible approach.

The plan, as suggested by Councilman Howard Miller, prioritizes areas of the building that either pose a safety risk or could make the theater more functional.

Miller’s plan, approved unanimously by the council, asked Anderson-Brule Architects, an architectural and interior design firm tasked with undertaking the improvement project, to return with a refined design and cost estimate for the facility’s restrooms, orchestra space, elevator, ticket booth and additional seating.

Michael Taylor, Saratoga’s recreation and facilities director, was asked to take on other smaller tasks as part of his department’s five-year plan, which had been put on hold pending the results of the master plan.

“We will continue to do the incremental improvements using the ticket surcharge funds, like we currently have planned a renovation of the ticket booth and a concession stand,” Taylor said at the Oct. 2 council meeting.

Echoing the views of her counterparts, Mayor Jill Hunter said she preferred to make minimal changes to the facility.

“I think the stairs leading up to the KSAR soundbooth have to be fixed, and I think the bathroom is really bad,” she said. “I like it this way. I’m happy to do some bits and pieces to keep it in good shape.”

The council’s decision was reached following a presentation by representatives from Anderson-Brule Architects on three conceptual design options and cost models for the design and construction of the renovated theater, as well as a plan to implement the components over time.

The first option calls for modifying the stage and expanding the seating area. Improvements would be made to the restrooms, storage, dressing rooms and the concessions area. This plan would make the facility ADA-compliant, add a covered walkway for actors and maintain the quantity of the seating. The cost is estimated at $3.42 million.

The second option includes everything from the first plan plus additional building upgrades. This plan would include the addition of an orchestra pit and light and sound vestibules, as well as a re-raking of the seating area. The total cost for this plan is $4.92 million.

The third option, the most elaborate of the three, includes everything from the prior two plans but with major upgrades to the facility, such as bigger restrooms with ramps, a new council chamber, remodeled dressing rooms and removal of seating to accommodate an orchestra pit, at a cost of $5.07 million.

In response to questions from council members on why the firm did not explore the option of demolishing and rebuilding the theater, representatives said that in that scenario, not only would the cost of construction and renovation increase to at least $12 million, but that the square footage of the new building would also go up.

In developing a master plan, the firm held meetings over the summer with all key stakeholders, including city staff, the public and theater groups to determine which aspects of the facility each group wanted to maintain and which they wanted to change.

City staff indicated that the layout of the building is “inadequate for chamber purposes” due to the location of the dais on a raised stage, which creates a height separation barrier between the council and the audience, and makes it out of compliance with ADA standards for audience access. Additionally, they noted that the screen is placed in a location so that both the council and the audience have difficulty viewing presentations.

Theater groups, meanwhile, complained about the stage layout and numerous operational inadequacies, including the lack of an orchestra pit, but said they want to maintain the building’s size, parking and rental cost.

The public, too, wanted to see the building’s size and show prices retained, but preferred the addition of an orchestra pit, outside access for actors, a bigger parking lot, more cameras and an improved sound system. They also wanted the addition of footpaths for bicycle and walking access and a parking structure that isn’t too visible from the street.

All three groups agreed there are not enough restrooms in the building. City officials and the theater groups said the lobby is too small.

The civic theater is used on alternating Wednesdays for city council and planning commission meetings. The venue also serves as a small theater and is used by West Valley Light Opera and South Bay Musical Theatre Company, two theater groups that rent the facility approximately 160 days per year for rehearsals and weekend performances.

The 7,436-square-foot theater was built in 1964 at a cost of $168,000 with 299 seats.

Over the years, the facility has undergone numerous upgrades and improvements, including new doors, new counterweight systems on the stage, new sound and lighting systems, electrical upgrades and renovated seating and stage flooring.

The council agreed to allocate $60,000 for the development of a master plan at its annual retreat in January. At that meeting, the council shared ideas on how to make a more functional theater while maintaining the dual use of the facility, and reducing the cost and effort required to transition from meetings to theater and back again.

The council selected Anderson-Brule Architects, a San Jose-based firm that has worked on such notable local projects as San Jose’s Martin Luther King Jr. Library and Notre Dame High School, out of 11 firms that submitted proposals.

For more information about the project, contact Michael Taylor at 408.868.1250

Saratoga Civic Theater to be refurbished, a little at a time


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