Scarecrows help city get the Halloween spirit

By Khalida Sarwari

A mysterious visitor, possibly from another era, arrived in town earlier this month and appears to be hanging out in the Village. So far, she’s given no hints as to who she is or what she wants, except possibly for people to go see Hansel and Gretel.

Leslee Warwick, owner of the Barn Owl, first noticed the mystery scarecrow on the sidewalk in front of Rose International Market.

“She’s dressed in kind of a really fancy, old-fashioned opera dress, and she’s holding a basket,” Warwick said. The basket is where she keeps fliers for the show.

After an unfortunate meeting with the garbage can, the mystery scarecrow was retrieved and placed on a nearby bench, then near a light post, and finally back to the bench.

“Everybody in town has been watching it and laughing,” Warwick said. “We don’t know where she came from or who keeps moving her.”

The scarecrow could very well be in town for the Village scarecrow display and contest, kick-started by Warwick to attract visitors to downtown. The idea was inspired by the city of Cambria’s popular annual scarecrow festival.

“My idea was to do something similar to that because it’s just fun,” Warwick said. “I kind of challenged all the businesses in the Village to make a scarecrow and introduced the contest.”

The rules of the contest were simple: The scarecrows had to be handmade, not purchased from a store, and they had to represent the business that was making it. Since the contest got under way on Oct. 1, more than 20 downtown businesses have participated, along with a class at the Village Preschool. The scarecrows are stationed all along Big Basin Way, either in front of the business or behind the windows through Oct. 31.

On Oct. 15, three winners were announced: Studio [0], Vienna Woods and Vine Life. Aegis Gallery of Fine Art and Ristorante Da Mario both received honorable mentions.

Warwick said the outcome of the contest far exceeded her expectations and she will be bringing the contest back next year, but opening it to the general community.

Scarecrows won’t be the only ones hanging out on Big Basin Way on Oct. 26. They’ll be joined from 2 to 4 p.m. by witches, ghouls and princesses for the Saratoga Village Development Council’s annual trick-or-treat themed Witchy Walk-A-Bout.

As in years past, downtown merchants will hand out treats for the children, who are encouraged to come dressed in costume and with their own goodie bag for treats.

Elsewhere in the city, the Saratoga Library will host a Halloween family fun and costume party on Oct. 29 at 7:30 p.m. The event will take place in the community room and will feature stories, crafts and a costume party.

Scarecrows help city get the Halloween spirit


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