Madronia Cemetery to participate in the Wreaths Across America program Dec. 14

By Khalida Sarwari

Madronia Cemetery will be participating in the Wreaths Across America program on Dec. 14 that is meant to honor deceased veterans, as well as recognize current military personnel and military veterans.

Everyone is invited to participate in the laying of the wreaths on the more than 1,000 veterans’ graves at 9 a.m. as part of the program that was started 21 years ago by Morrill Worcester.

Worcester, along with a dozen other people, laid 5,000 wreaths on headstones at Arlington National Cemetery as a way of giving thanks to the nation’s veterans.

Volunteers are also needed to mark the graves on Dec. 13 at 9 a.m. For more information, contact Bill Snider at 408.867.2980 or

Madronia Cemetery to participate in the Wreaths Across America program Dec. 14


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