Drought to top the list of topics when LeZotte visits Foothill Club

By Khalida Sarwari

Linda LeZotte, a director for the Santa Clara Valley Water District, will be the featured speaker later this month at the Saratoga Foothill Club, where she’ll discuss the drought situation in California.

LeZotte has been invited to speak as part of the club’s public lecture series. Her Jan. 29 talk, titled “Valley Water Supply–The Best Deal in Town,” will touch on what the district does, as well as its mission, programs and capital improvement projects. She’ll discuss how the water district came to be and the organization’s role in Santa Clara Valley.

LeZotte will also talk about the various sources from which the district gathers its water: 55 percent is imported through the Delta or Hetch Hetchy, 30 percent is local groundwater and 5 percent is recycled. The district conserves 10 percent, with the goal of reaching 20 percent to offset some of the impacts of the drought, considered the worst on record.

The area has 100,000 acre-feet less groundwater than a year ago, and the statewide reservoirs are only at half of their normal capacity, according to LeZotte. The recent heavy storm gave people a false sense that the drought is over, she said.

“It was a drop in the bucket compared to what we need. Even if the drought doesn’t continue, we would need three years of an average rainfall so we can catch up,” she said. “One great winter of rain isn’t going to do it.”

LeZotte will discuss the drought and its impact on the district’s ability to get imported water and heavier reliance on groundwater.

“Too much can cause land subsidence,” LeZotte said. “That’s something we’re closely monitoring is how much groundwater we’re using.”

She’ll also bring up environmental stewardship and the importance of recycled water and will offer conservation tips and discuss programs that are in place to help residents and businesses conserve.

The title of the talk, said LeZotte, refers to how cheap the cost of water is in the region compared to other things by the gallon. The reason it is so cheap, she said, is due to the way the water district is able to secure funding for its projects and flood protection as well as knowing how to leverage the Safe, Clean Water and Natural Flood Protection Program.

“It’s our financial acumen in making sure that we’re financially sound,” LeZotte said. “We have good ratings with the bond companies and lending institutions, so we can borrow at good rates in order to build the infrastructure that we need in order to provide the water.”

LeZotte has been an attorney in San Jose for about three decades. She was first elected to the water board in 2010, served as chair in 2012 and was re-elected in 2014. She also served on the San Jose City Council and planning commission.

The event takes place at 7:30 p.m. at the historic Saratoga Foothill Club, 20399 Park Place, culminating with a question-and-answer session.

The lecture is $10 and open to all. For more information, contact 408.867.1835.

Link: Drought to top the list of topics when LeZotte visits Foothill Club


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