‘Love Notes’ will return to downtown windows in time for Valentine’s Day

By Khalida Sarwari

Beginning in early February, the windows of downtown Saratoga businesses will be filled with more than just fliers announcing upcoming events or snowflakes left over from the holidays. A peek at almost any window will reveal a handwritten note, addressed to a loved one, living or inanimate.

The love notes are courtesy of the Saratoga Village Development Council, a group that for the past seven years has collected the written expressions of affection from the community and posted them on the windows of businesses in the Village in commemoration of Valentine’s Day.

Last year, somewhere around 300 notes were collected and posted. Jill Hunter, who heads the SVDC, believes the reason the activity continues to draw the community’s interest every year is because it’s an opportunity to highlight the works of children outside of the school walls. In addition, the messages tend to be clever, and every year the activity has gotten a little bigger.

“It’s a nice opportunity to build community, and people really enjoy reading the notes,” she said. “You see people walking slowly together and reading one note after another and really enjoying them. The notes don’t just say people, they also say what they love about their town or what they love about their dog or whatever it is they appreciate.”

Continued Hunter, “Since Saratoga is such a romantic town–the Village is so romantic for Valentine’s Day–the love notes on the windows just make it a little more special.”

As in years past, many of the notes will be coming from local schoolchildren. This year, the preschools, as well as Saratoga, Argonaut and Foothill elementary schools, have been invited to participate.

The collection period will run through Feb. 14 and the notes will be posted on the windows of Village businesses through Feb. 15. Members of the SVDC will hold a note-writing party at the Blue Rock Shoot on Jan. 27 at 10 a.m.

“Anybody is welcome to join us,” said Hunter.

The project initially began as a way to honor Susie Nagpal, a councilwoman and a friend of Hunter’s who died of lung cancer in May 2010.

Beginning Jan. 31, notes can be dropped off at any business on Big Basin Way. They must be flat and no bigger than 8.5 by 11 inches.

For more information about the Saratoga Village Development Council, visitsaratogavillage.info.

Link: ‘Love Notes’ will return to downtown windows in time for Valentine’s Day


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