A wee bit o’ the Irish returning to Saratoga

By Khalida Sarwari

The Saratoga Village will take on an Irish appearance on March 12 when the city celebrates its annual St. Paddy’s Day event, bagpipes and leprechauns included.

Now in its 11th year, the Saratoga Village Development Council-organized event has become a beloved tradition in the community, even drawing in people from surrounding cities. Last year’s event drew about 250 children. It tends to be popular with both kids and parents, said SVDC chairwoman Jill Hunter.

“It’s a big favorite,” said Hunter. “One parent told me last year that her child, even though he’s now 12 years old, just wouldn’t miss it for the world. He had a great time.”

Similar to past years, many activities have been planned for the green-themed day, especially for the little ones. The festivities are scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. Participants are asked to first come by the Bank of America parking lot to pick up bags for a scavenger hunt for pennies and magical green rocks, which tends to be one of the biggest draws for youngers.

They can then make their way up and down sidewalks on Big Basin Way, gathering pennies from the sidewalks and looking for rocks in plants. The younger children will receive a prize for every six rocks they collect, while kids 7 and older will be rewarded for every 15 rocks they find.

Aside from rock hunting, participants are invited to drop by various businesses for St. Patrick’s Day-themed treats. Businesses with a green balloon outside their storefronts are the ones that will have some kind of green treat to give out, Hunter said. The Chamber of Commerce, for example, will serve green popcorn.

Bruce Cotter will play the bagpipes; Saratoga’s favorite leprechaun, Dianne Brown, will hand out green cotton candy; and the Saratoga Youth Commission will offer green nail polish application, face painting and tattoos. Resident Marilyn Marchetti will man a rock-painting booth.

The SVDC received $500 in community event grant funding from the city for the event this year, according to Hunter.

All the treats and activities are free. The event takes place from 2 to 4 p.m. along Big Basin Way. Road closures are not anticipated.

Link: A wee bit o’ the Irish returning to Saratoga


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