Delegation from Taipei visits Saratoga High

By Khalida Sarwari

A nine-member delegation from Taipei recently visited Saratoga High School to explore education in the U.S. Halfway through the day, the visitors realized that despite the differences, the education systems in the two countries also share similarities.

The Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District hosted the delegation from the New Taipei City Government Education Department. The trip was born out of a vision that Taipei Mayor Eric Chu had, according to board trustee Katherine Tseng.

“Their mayor studied in the U.S. and believes that learning from other countries will enhance their education,” Tseng said.

At the midday break, the organization’s deputy commissioner, Yea-Wen Kung, said she was most impressed with the way students were empowered at the school to help build student culture.

Kung made the observation while visiting classrooms and conversing with students. Saratoga principal Paul Robinson and Tseng escorted the group.

“We’ve just had a great time sharing ideas,” said Robinson.

Prior to the classroom visits, the delegation was treated to a string performance of the Taiwanese folk song “Spring Breeze” in the morning.

Before breaking for lunch, they took to the bleachers on the football field for yet another performance by the marching band. This time, 220 students–members of color guard and band members playing wind, brass and percussion–performed “The Year Eternal.”

Michael Boitz, chairman of the high school’s performing arts department, noted that the piece was based on the four seasons.

“We’re going to perform the summer [section] for you right now, because it’s very appropriate,” he said, referring to the nearly 80-degree weather. The performance was met with loud applause from the delegation. One member remarked that he found it “excellent.”

In his introductory remarks, Boitz informed the delegation about the band’s collaboration with students in the elementary school district. “So many of the students work as mentors with fifth- graders,” Boitz said. He called the process “vertical teaching.”

The classes, Boitz told the delegation, are not only performance-based, but also teach theory and allow students to compose music using current technology. The color guard, which incorporates dance and movement, is far more advanced today compared to 25 years ago, he said.

After lunch, the delegation reconvened on campus for another round of classroom visits, this time focusing on ceramics, the media arts program, band and the physical education facilities, and ending the day by watching a percussion rehearsal.

As part of its U.S. tour of schools, the Taipei delegation also planned to visit one school in New Jersey and two in New York. Saratoga High School was the first stop in the U.S.

Delegation from Taipei visits Saratoga High


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