Food bank in Campbell? Yep, there’s one here

By Khalida Sarwari

Most local residents have heard of the Second Harvest Food Bank, but many are likely not even aware of Campbell’s own, albeit much smaller, food bank.

“It’s more of a food pantry that started out as a food closet,” Faith King, chairwoman of the United Church of Christ’s food pantry program, said with a laugh.

The pantry, which has been around for decades, could use replenishing, said King. Especially important are nonperishable food items, such as canned dinners high on protein, main courses, hearty soups and peanut butter. The pantry even has room for clothing for children and adults and personal hygiene products.

The pantry supports the homeless and families that are struggling financially, King said.

“If you’re hungry, come; you won’t be turned away,” she said.

To gather donations, the pantry is joining forces with the Westchester Park Neighborhood Block Party on Aug. 25. The event, now in its fifth year, is expected to be the biggest one yet, said Planning Commissioner Phil Reynolds.

“I don’t know how we do it, but last year’s event was over the top, and this year is on track to be even bigger and better,” Reynolds said.

The block party is open to about 270 households in that neighborhood. They are encouraged to bring canned food for the food pantry and/or pet food for the Silicon Valley Humane Society’s pet pantry, a program that helps families who would have otherwise surrendered their pets because they can’t afford food for them.

“This is the first year we’re asking for donations,” said Maria Gaynor, a longtime Wren Way resident who is helping organize the event. “We have a lot of dog owners here, and we’re trying to help the people that are hungry. From talking to people, it seems no one knows about the food bank and that’s a shame.”

Last year’s block party drew about 200 people, according to Gaynor. This year’s event will offer an afternoon filled with food, music and entertainment.

There will be door prizes, business booths, a dog parade and performances by Andreas Fault and teen singer-songwriter Julieanne Pollifron.

Barbecue will be provided by the Outback Steakhouse and the owner of LeQuy, a Vietnamese restaurant on W. Campbell Avenue, will hand out egg rolls. The event is also a potluck, so attendees can bring food to share with others.

Dignitaries and elected officials from Campbell and San Jose have been invited to the party.

The purpose of the block party appears to be twofold. The goal, Gaynor said, is “to try to get the neighbors to get to know one another.” Just as importantly, organizers hope to boost donations for the two food pantries.

The event is free to Winchester Park neighborhood residents. Attendees are asked to sign up

The block party will take place on Aug. 25, from noon to 6 p.m., on Wren Way, between Rincon Avenue and Ricky Drive.

Wren Way will be closed to traffic between those hours on that day.

Food and monetary donations can be mailed or dropped off any time at the United Church of Christ’s food pantry, 400 W. Campbell Ave.

Food bank in Campbell? Yep, there’s one here


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