Foothill Club honors four deserving students

By Khalida Sarwari

The Saratoga Foothill Club last month presented four scholarship awards to Saratoga High School and West Valley College students.

The club presented its 2015 American Heritage Award to Saratoga High’s Anna Sabel and Fine Arts Award to Jack McCarthy, also from Saratoga High. The Foothill Club also awarded scholarships West Valley students Sybil Leonard and Sofie Tafolla.

The American Heritage Award is presented to students who demonstrate outstanding achievement in the social sciences. Sabel’s interest in government and history has led her to join the History Bowl team, but the senior has also been recognized for accomplishments in English and for her leadership role in an all-female robotics team through the Girls Scouts.

This fall she plans to attend Brown University, where she can continue with a multidisciplinary course of study that will include a major in computer science and a minor in political science.

The Fine Arts Award is presented to those who show outstanding achievement in the visual and performing arts. McCarthy, who received this award, was so devoted to theater that he did part of his high school coursework online so he could pursue acting and directing and run his own theater company called GIFT, which stands for Giving Individuals Fabulous Theatre. As part of this endeavor, McCarthy’s productions tour activity centers and even individual rooms in hospitals and nursing homes, bringing theater to those who aren’t able to go to a theater.

McCarthy plans to attend the School of Dramatic Arts at USC this fall to focus on a directing career while adding a business minor to learn more about how to manage theater companies.

The Re-entry Award went to West Valley College student Sybil Leonard, a San Jose resident in her 60s who recently chose to return to school after raising a family. Leonard has been working on her paralegal certificate and plans to transfer to a four-year college. She hopes to attend law school or pursue an entrepreneurial course of study.

West Valley’s Sofie Tafolla received the club’s STEM Award, which typically is presented to women who plan to transfer to a four-year college and pursue a STEM career. A Prospect High School alum, Tafolla plans to become an aeronautical engineer and is in the process of taking courses in math. She is due to finish all her transfer requirements next year after which she plans to attend UC-Irvine, UC-Santa Cruz or San Jose State University to complete her degree.

Saratoga High School students are nominated for the scholarships by the school’s faculty, although recipients are selected by the Foothill Club following an interview process. Criteria such as academic records, accomplishments in a specific field and contributions to the Saratoga community are also factors in the selection of award recipients.

The Saratoga Foothill Club has been awarding scholarships to Saratoga High students for the last 30 of its 100 years in existence. The club was started in 1914 to promote intellectual and civic activities in the local community.

The Foothill Club’s annual scholarship presentations took place on May 6 and 12.

Link: Foothill Club honors four deserving students


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