Friend, Grenier win Goldin Excellence awards

By Khalida Sarwari

Jason Friend and Julie Grenier had a nice start to their week recently when they learned they’d been picked as winners of the Goldin Excellence in Education Award.

Friend, an English teacher at Saratoga High School, said he was notified by Harriet Goldin herself. Goldin is an educator who started the Goldin Foundation 26 years ago with the aim of not only attracting new teachers but retaining established teachers by recognizing their efforts in the classroom.

“Harriet Goldin called in the morning, about two weeks ago,” said Friend. “It was right at the start of the day. It was a total surprise, and it was just a kind of wonderful way to start the week off.”

Grenier, manager of information services in the Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District, echoed her colleague’s sentiments, saying that she, too, was surprised by the news.

“It was nice to be recognized,” she said. “It’s more an award for everyone at our school and district than just us.”

The Goldin Foundation recognizes and rewards educators annually who have made outstanding contributions in their classrooms, schools and communities. Both Friend and Grenier were nominated by their peers, the former for his work as “an inspirational educator, team member and mentor, inspiring students and colleagues alike” and the latter for her “leadership in facilitating professional development for technology implementation, for making the rollout of a new learning management system a success for teachers and students, and for helping to lead the district into the 21st century,” according to the high school district.

“I am awed each day by the work of our staff on behalf of our students, and Jason and Julie exemplify that standard,” said assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction Carrie Bosco. “They are both incredible educators and human beings; they go over and above each day, and I am so excited to see them earn this recognition by their peers and the Goldin Foundation.”

Friend, a 38-year-old Santa Cruz resident, has been an English teacher at Saratoga High for 13 years. He also helped found the Media Arts Program, which has grown from 60 to more than 350 students since its inception.

Grenier, 44, is a 15-year veteran of the district, where she works mostly with teachers to help them integrate technology in their curriculum, among other tasks, and serve on the digital leaders and technology committees. She is also involved in the Foothill Elementary School community, where her children attend school.

Friend and Grenier will be recognized for their achievements at the Goldin Educators’ Forum on May 11 in the Saratoga High School library. The reception will begin at 7 p.m. followed by a panel presentation at 7:30 p.m., where award recipients will share their experiences, projects and insights.

More information about the Goldin Foundation is available at

Link: Friend, Grenier win Goldin Excellence awards


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