Love notes back in the windows of downtown businesses

By Khalida Sarwari

Love is in the air, and this month it’s also on the windows of downtown Saratoga businesses. Visitors strolling through the Village are encouraged to stop and read the handwritten notes which express adoration or appreciation for a loved one or a thing, or even sit down to pen one themselves.

Sponsored by the Saratoga Village Development Council, the love notes initiative aims to collect written expressions of affection from the Saratoga community and post them on the windows of businesses in the Village in commemoration of Valentine’s Day. The project began seven years ago as a way to honor the late Saratoga Councilwoman Susie Nagpal.

The activity is also an opportunity to highlight the works of children outside of school walls, so as in years past, many of the notes will be coming from local schoolchildren. This year, the city’s preschools, as well as Saratoga, Argonaut and Foothill elementary schools, were invited to participate.

Last year, around 300 notes were collected and posted, according to SVDC chairwoman Jill Hunter.

Notes can be dropped off at any business on Big Basin Way. They must be flat and not be bigger than 8.5 by 11 inches. The collection period will run through Feb. 14, and the notes will be posted on the windows of Village businesses through Feb. 15.

For more information about the Saratoga Village Development Council,

Link: Love notes back in the windows of downtown businesses


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