Red geranium contest winners to be announced at Arbor Day event

By Khalida Sarwari

Saratoga’s Arbor Day event this year will coincide with the unveiling of the newly restored half-mile stretch of Vasona Creek that bisects the West Valley College campus.

The 10th annual city-sponsored event will take place April 29 at West Valley College and give residents an opportunity to learn about the trees in Saratoga as well as how to care for their own trees and plants. City arborist Kate Bear will be on hand to answer questions, along with representatives from the Santa Clara Valley Water District and West Valley Collection and Recycling.

The highlight of the program will be the planting of a black oak tree on campus, alongside a bronze plaque marking it as an Arbor Day tree. At the last Arbor Day event, city leaders planted a blue oak tree at the corner of Big Basin and Saratoga-Los Gatos Road.

Another highlight will be the announcement of the red geranium contest winners. Sponsored by the America In Bloom Committee, the contest asked residents to display their red geraniums either in a garden or in pots with the aim of helping to fill Saratoga with the city’s newly adopted official flower. The group’s mission is to improve Saratoga’s chances in this year’s America In Bloom competition. Residents have until midnight on April 23 to participate in the contest. From April 25 to 27, judges will be driving by the top 15 displays to make their final selections.

Saratoga is a “Tree City,” which means it is part of a national program that receives the framework for community forestry management along with other cities and towns in the U.S. Communities achieve Tree City USA status by meeting four core standards of sound urban forestry management: maintaining a tree board or department, having a community tree ordinance, spending at least $2 per capita on urban forestry and celebrating Arbor Day.

Saratoga’s Arbor Day event will take place from 3:30 to 4 p.m. at West Valley College just past the Student Center at Vasona Creek. Free parking will be available in lot 5 during the event, and bags of compost will be available for residents to take home for gardening.

Link: Red geranium contest winners to be announced at Arbor Day event


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