Saratoga Adult Care Center gets a boost from the county

By Khalida Sarwari

The doors at the Saratoga Adult Care Center will remain open to seniors who require special care after the county approved an allocation of $40,000 in annual funding to the center for the next three years, saving the center from making drastic cuts to its services.

The decision was made unanimously by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors at a June 16 meeting.

Faced with continuing deficits, the Saratoga Senior Center, which houses the adult day care, has considered either shutting down the program entirely or eliminating the low-income and sliding scale component to achieve a balanced budget. County Supervisor Joe Simitian, in whose district the center is located, stepped in to put together a funding package with the city of Saratoga that will keep the center open and affordable, at least for the next three years. Saratoga will pitch in an additional $22,000 per year.

“The Adult Care Center is a resource we can’t afford to lose,” said Simitian. “It helps seniors who would otherwise not be able to access this level of care, and I’m gratified we were able to work together with the city of Saratoga to keep these services affordable.”

The Adult Care Center provides services to seniors who live in Saratoga, Campbell and San Jose–specifically those with physical and cognitive limitations–who need help with daily living. Currently, the center serves about 30 seniors.

“I was happy to support the motion for our local seniors in need,” added Supervisor Mike Wasserman, who seconded Simitian’s motion.

At the center, seniors have an opportunity to socialize and take part in activities, have lunch and receive assistance with daily tasks, including self-care and hygiene. The center also offers services that benefit caregivers.

The Adult Care Center currently operates on a need-based sliding scale, charging participants a daily rate of $25 to $85. The center also contracts with the Veterans Administration to provide free veterans services. The adult day care model is considered to be a low-cost alternative to home-based care or institutionalization, and allows for socialization for adults that are at risk of isolation, according to Simitian’s office.

Marta Weinstock, interim executive director of the Adult Care Center, said the funding conveys a message that seniors, veterans and their caregivers are valued.

“We know this work matters–we see the smiles on our members’ faces every day–and we’re grateful to be able to continue supporting elders and keeping families connected,” said Weinstock.

“This funding sends a message that our community values seniors, veterans and the people who care for those unable to care for themselves,” she added.

Simitian said, “As Santa Clara County’s senior population grows, services like those provided by the Saratoga Adult Care Center will become increasingly vital. Partnerships like this one can help more county residents age in place safely and securely.”

Link: Saratoga Adult Care Center gets a boost from the county


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