Stone pine becomes part of Saratoga history

By Khalida Sarwari

Saratoga’s century-old signature pine tree is no more. But while some mourn its loss, others have resigned themselves to its fate.

The tree was removed this month due to its declining health that was exacerbated by harsh drought conditions. Earlier this year, an arborist noticed the presence of wood-boring beetles. While normally Italian stone pines are considered to be drought tolerant and aren’t susceptible to beetles, the prolonged drought disabled the tree from fighting off a beetle population explosion, according to city arborist Kate Bear. A local tree company came out to remove the tree on June 11, thus ending a 100-year era during which visitors and residents alike have been enjoying the stone pine’s embracing canopy in the entranceway of the Saratoga Village.

Bruce Wooley has had the opportunity to appreciate the tree’s aesthetic beauty since he moved into the city in 1968.

“I’ve been here since everything was an orchard. Cox was a two-lane road. As far as you could see there were orchards and trees,” said Wooley. “All the orchards are gone and a lot of the old trees are going, too. That’s just what happens.”

Preceding even the city’s incorporation by several decades, the city’s stone pines were planted in what was then known as Memorial Park. Designed by Bruce Porter, a noted landscape architect, the park was larger than it is today but was reduced in size to make way for Highway 85. Memorial Park unofficially became Blaney Plaza in the 1950s.

The trees are mentioned in a 1957 letter by Saratoga historian Florence Cunningham: “We do have a plaza which we prize greatly for its big rare stone pine trees, its peaceful atmosphere, its beautiful memorial arch and its historical background.”

There aren’t any remaining records that explain who decided to plant the stone pines or why that particular type of tree was chosen, according to Saratoga Historical Foundation president Annette Stransky.

“I have never seen an explanation of why or how they selected the trees that were planted,” she said.

The first stone pine was removed in the 1960s when the state widened Saratoga-Los Gatos Road and realigned Blaney Plaza to accommodate traffic. That was followed by four decades of peace for the trees, until March 2011 when resident Don Whetstone informed the city that the stone pine closest to Big Basin Way appeared to be leaning into the roadway more than usual, an issue that was attributed to the tree’s large canopy, its pre-existing lean and saturated soil from recent rains. Emergency pruning work was done to eliminate extra weight, but further assessment revealed that the tree had to be removed.

The stump is still present in Blaney Plaza, and a flower pot has been placed on it by the Saratoga Village Gardeners as a tribute and memorial for the lost pine.

There was an incident with the last stone pine in 1992, when city officials noticed the tree had begun leaning into the spur road and was pushing against an electrical box. Saratoga arborist Blair Glenn was called upon to remove about 7,000 pounds of limbs to help stabilize the tree, and two wooden posts were attached to the tree to keep it from leaning further into the roadway.

Now, 23 years later, the last of the three stone pines is gone, and some believe it was for the best.

“I hate to see it go, but safety trumps anything old, I think,” Wooley said. “Safety trumps everything.”

Paul Lovoi, a 38-year resident, said he will remember the stone pine as the first thing he’d see upon entering the Village.

“Of course it’s been iconic with the symbol of the city, and having it right as you enter is certainly in some ways sad,” Lovoi said. But, he added, “Trees come and go, and I think there’s a real tendency to look at everything as it is and say… we don’t want to change. Sorry, these things change. Change is a good opportunity for most people, in my view.”

Eventually, the city will plant and dedicate a new signature tree at Blaney Plaza in the hope that it will grace Saratoga’s downtown with the same beauty and charm as the stone pine did for the last 100 years.

Link: Stone pine becomes part of Saratoga history


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