Summer sun sends folks outside, but it has burglars looking inside

By Khalida Sarwari

Summer, the season of sunny days and warm nights, has officially begun. As rising temperatures send folks running to the beach or to the nearest coffee shop with air conditioning, it creates additional opportunities for burglars and thieves to wreak havoc indoors.

A quick glance at the crime statistics in Saratoga usually reveals recurring incidents involving mail theft, identity theft and home and vehicle burglaries. These crimes tend to go up slightly as the weather warms up, days become longer and more people spend time outdoors, according to Kurtis Stenderup, a deputy with the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office.

“We definitely notice an uptick in activity over the summer,” he said. “There are more calls for service.”

Stenderup encourages Saratogans to call 911 if they notice suspicious vehicles or people around their property. While deputies aren’t always able to respond immediately, they do make it a point to respond to every call as quickly as they can, he said.

“We hear all the time, ‘We don’t want to waste your time.’ You’re not wasting our time,” said Stenderup. “Please don’t hesitate to call us. Obviously we have to prioritize, but at least we will be notified.”

He recommended residents secure their property by closing all windows and doors, even when going on a quick errand. As for preventing vehicle burglary, the best route is to secure valuables in the trunk and ensure that the doors are locked at all times.

“Don’t leave your iPad, purse or iPod in the front seat,” Stenderup said. “Don’t leave your cell phone on the seat because that’s what entices a thief. Someone can take advantage of that quick lapse.”

Identity theft is another all too common crime in Saratoga and “a huge problem,” said Stenderup.

“I think what happens in Saratoga is people get comfortable,” he said. “It’s a safe community, but you need to be vigilant because unfortunately, in our world there are people that prey on other people to get their information.”

The best way to prevent against ID theft, Stenderup advised, is not to leave valuables with personal information, such as wallets, out in plain sight, and to be careful when giving out that information online or over the phone. It’s also always best to shred and properly dispose of important documents.

“Most legitimate businesses aren’t going to ask for your personal information over the phone,” said Stenderup. “If they do, ask for a statement. Don’t be afraid to be suspicious. If you don’t think it’s right, call the police.”

Identity theft is closely linked to another common crime in Saratoga: mail theft. To prevent against this type of theft, either buy a lock to secure your mailbox or check your mail regularly, Stenderup said.

“We always recommend that if you have a way to secure your mailbox that’s the way to go. If you don’t want to get one, make sure you check your mail regularly. Don’t let it pile up,” he said.

Stenderup encouraged residents who go out of town to have a trusted friend or relative check their mail for them during their absence.

Finally, Stenderup advised folks to avoid drinking and driving. It’s especially important to keep in mind when preparing for the Fourth of July holiday.

“We all enjoy block parties and hanging out with friends and family, but we’ve got to designate a driver,” he said. “Make plans ahead of time to make sure you designate somebody to drive you home.”

He noted that there tends to be a steady stream of DUI arrests in Saratoga. Drunken driving is “a terrible crime,” he said.

The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office will be participating in a countywide Avoid the 13 campaign aimed at strategically catching drunken drivers. The sheriff’s office, along with other local law enforcement agencies, will conduct “saturation patrols” July 3-8.

Summer sun sends folks outside, but it has burglars looking inside


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