Teen Idol contest auditions under way

By Khalida Sarwari

American Idol may no longer be the must-watch TV show that it once was, but if last year’s attendance numbers were any indication, a local competition styled after the singing contest is only gaining in popularity.

Songsters in Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties will once again have a chance to belt their hearts out on stage and compete for a $2,500 scholarship at the South Bay Teen Idol on March 22.

The Addison-Penzak Jewish Community Center in Los Gatos is holding auditions for the singing competition through Jan. 12. Entrants can choose either a video audition Jan. 7-10, 7-10 p.m. each evening, or a live audition on Jan. 12, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., on a first come, first served basis.

Judges will select 20 contestants to compete in the semifinals, which will be held Feb. 8. From there, 10 will go on to the final competition on March 22.

The contest is open to teens in grades 8-12 who live in Santa Clara or Santa Cruz county. The minimum age to enter is 13. There is a $20 entry fee.

As for the audition itself, contestants are free to sing a song of their choice, as long as they can do it a cappella.

The ultimate prize is $2,500 for the winning singer and $500 for his or her school. Second- and third-place cash prizes will also be awarded.

For more information or to register, visit sili convalleyjcc.org/idol.

Teen Idol contest auditions under way


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