Village ‘smithy’ to stand again in Saratoga

By Khalida Sarwari

The Saratoga History Museum is embarking on a project to build a blacksmith exhibit at the Saratoga Historical Park after receiving the go-ahead from the city.

The plan is to convert an existing wrought iron structure at 20450 Saratoga-Los Gatos Road into an interactive blacksmith exhibit by adding a false front wooden roof and cantilevered steps in front of the structure, explained Annette Stransky, president of the Saratoga Historical Foundation.

“We are working around the existing trees to ensure no damage to the root structure so the footprint will remain essentially the same,” Stransky said.

The structure itself will be made out of wrought iron and wood. The wood, which is being donated from a 1900s-era barn in Saratoga, is weathered and provides the look and feel of a turn of the century blacksmith shop, according to Stransky.

The structure will house tools and items normally worked on by a turn of the century blacksmith. A small forge and anvil will be part of the display, and the structure will also allow for interactivity and sound effects. A nonfunctional outhouse is also planned as part of the project, and an existing path in the area will be extended from the patio to the exhibit.

Visitors to the museum can see the design of the new exhibit, but construction likely won’t begin until next year after funds have been raised. Stransky anticipated the project would take about six weeks to complete.

Local architect Tom Sloan has agreed to donate his design services and the museum will hire contractors to implement the design, Stransky said.

The exhibit will be built close to the McWilliams House, an 1850s residence owned by Saratoga blacksmith James McWilliams. It will be the latest addition to a park that, along with the museum and McWilliams House, also contains a one-room schoolhouse. The structures not only represent Saratoga’s history but are used to teach pioneer living to youth and adults through the foundation’s education program. This year, more than 1,000 students participated in the program, according to Stransky.

“We are very excited about this new addition to the Saratoga Historical Park,” Stransky said. “The blacksmith served a key role in town during the 1800s, and the exhibit will provide an informative and interesting means of educating the public.”

The Saratoga Historical Foundation hopes to net $80,000 for the blacksmith exhibit through fundraising, grants and donations. In return for a minimum of $5,000, the museum is offering donors a plaque engraved with their names on the front of the exhibit.

Beginning in April and running through the end of June, the Sereno Group and its agents will contribute 1 percent of their gross commissions to the blacksmith exhibit (

The foundation is accepting contributions at Blacksmith Exhibit, Saratoga Historical Foundation, P.O. Box 172, Saratoga, CA 95071. Donations are tax-deductible.

For more information, visit or call 408.867.4311.

Village ‘smithy’ to stand again in Saratoga


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