Teachers, students, others will take the stage to raise funds for schools

By Khalida Sarwari

Teachers, students and professionals will be sharing the stage in a Jan. 30 concert and art exhibit at the McAfee Center to raise money for Saratoga school programs and teachers.

The Saratoga Education Foundation-produced art exhibition and classical and jazz concert will feature artists and performers from the Saratoga Union School District and a few local stars.

“It’s kind of an inaugural event, so we’re trying to make some noise about it,” said SEF president Tamami Honma. “We’re putting an emphasis on two of the subjects we focus on at SEF–art and music–to ensure that everybody gets a chance to experience these classes.”

One of the highlights of the program, said Honma, is sure to be superintendent Lane Weiss’s performance on the saxophone. Others taking part in the program include the Redwood Middle School jazz band, Saratoga High School student groups, the Many Worlds Ensemble featuring the concertmaster of the Palo Alto Philharmonic as violinist, Bay Shore Lyric Opera cast members and student ensembles, and Jon Jow on sax and Scott Krijnen playing Dvorak’s cello concerto.

“It’s probably going to be the most exciting concert of the year,” said Honma. “Everybody’s bringing their power punch pieces, so it will be really fun.”

On the art end of things, there will be an exhibition of works by district teachers Marie-Helene Bauguil, Jean Skamra and Scott Lyon, along with award-winning Saratoga artist Holly van Hart.

Everyone that’s participating is doing so on a volunteer basis “to show our love of art and music,” Honma said.

Proceeds from the event will go toward SEF’s general fund, according to Honma. The organization is trying to raise at least $1 million for teachers, librarians, science aids and various programs at Argonaut, Foothill and Saratoga elementary schools and Redwood Middle School.

The event is from 5 to 6:30 p.m. on Jan. 30.

Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for kids online, and an additional $5 at the door. To purchase tickets, visit bit.ly/1B9OMel.

“Everybody’s practicing; everybody’s putting in a lot of effort,” said Honma. “It should be a really fun-packed evening. I hope everybody can come out.”

Link: Teachers, students, others will take the stage to raise funds for schools


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